mother of jesus mary

  Jesus' mother Mary

Jesus' mother Mary was born in Nazareth during the reign of Herod the Great Mary, the mother of Jesus, was a descendant of David, the royal family of Israel. and spoke Aramaic with a Galilean accent. His father, Joachim, was a descendant of King Solomon, and his mother was known as Ann. According to the apocryphal Gospel of James, Joiam was a rich and pious man who was childless all his life, but was blessed with a daughter after sacrificing to God. Anne was a pious woman who was said to have visited the Archangel Gabriel, who brought her the good news that she would become a mother despite her old age.

She was taught to expect the promised Messiah and became part of the fulfillment of God's ultimate plan when the angel announced, "You shall conceive and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus" [3]. Mary was the only person who was present with Jesus at his birth and his earthly death Since she was born without "original sin," the ascension of Mary's body to heaven resulted in the absence of any physical memory.

The exact date and circumstances of Mary's death are unknown According to one tradition, Mary died in AD 43 and another in AD 48, but there is no way to confirm either date [1]. Some traditions suggest that Mary lived out her remaining years in John's home, while others say that she died sometime in the early 1800s [1]. Catherine Emerick's theory claims that Mary's death coincided with other events mentioned in the Bible, but there is no historical evidence to support this claim [1]. Ultimately, we cannot know for sure what happened to Mary after the focus of the Bible shifted to the death and resurrection of Jesus.

  Pope Pius XII declared in his Apostolic Constitution Munifentisimus Deus that the Blessed Virgin Mary had already changed seas into an immortal heavenly body and had been taken up to heaven at the end of her life. Although most of the Fathers and Doctors of the Church taught that Mary died and was resurrected before being taken up to heaven, many 20th-century theologians argue that Mary never died but passed from earthly to heavenly existence.

Mary has been venerated in the Christian Church since the Apostolic Age and is regarded as a sky goddess and senior saint in the Christian tradition.

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